Some things NOT to do with your bombilla Posted on 7 Apr 10:13

Yerba Mate Bombilla Camping Trip

When you realize you forgot to pack a butter knife on your trip to Castle Crags, do not use your bombilla to spread almond butter on flatbread. 

Your bombilla is only to be used for enjoying yerba mate. (and other tea too)

Do not use your bombilla as a screwdriver. It is not a Swiss army knife.

Your bombilla is only to be used for enjoying yerba mate. (and other tea too)

When you get a flat tire and you need to patch your tube and it's raining and almost dark, do not use your bombilla as a tire iron.

Your bombilla is only to be used for enjoying yerba mate. (and other tea too)

Do not use your bombilla as a makeshift pipe on a road trip in the Central Valley. Unless you are very careful, you will end up with a mouthful of flaming herb.

Your bombilla is only to be used for drinking yerba mate. (and other tea too)

Drink hot yerba mate with ginger and cinnamon.

Drink iced yerba mate with honey and lime.

Share yerba mate with your husband, your brother, your friend.

Keep a mug of yerba mate nearby while you work, and add fresh water whenever you need inspiration. 

Keep a bombilla in your glove box, your bike bag, your backpack, your silverware drawer.

It's a metal straw. With a filter on the bottom. For drinking tea. How cool is that?

Do not borrow your friend's bombilla. Buy one here instead.